Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Aguiar :)

A friend of mine and I are starting to photograph people together.  I think it helps to have another person.  So we went out and wanted to practice beach sunset photos, but the sun decided not to show.  We still got some good photos even though it was kind of cold!  They said the water was warmer than the air.  I didn't feel it.  Anyways here are some beach photos of the lovely Aguiar Family!!!

Be joyful!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Aguiar Family

Love this family.  They are great.  Very fun people.  Had a fun time photographing them.  Here's some of my favorites of Zach, Sue, Samantha, and Chloe.

God Bless you and have a joyful day!! :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Dearborns & Us

The other day we went out for the Dearborns for a photo shoot.  We both wanted photos so we decided to go together and take them of each other.  It was a fun time.  Although I have realized children don't always like to cooperate so it makes it all the more interesting. :)

                     These are photos Elizabeth took of us, I thought I'd put them in my blog too :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Recent Photography

I have not done a photo shoot, but here are some recent photos I have taken.  I have planned to take baby and family photo shoots, but it hasn't happened yet.  Here are some photos I have taken that I like.  Enjoy.

Caleb Josiah

Elizabeth & Olivia


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stand by.

Sorry there have not been any recent posts.  I will be taking photos of a baby SOON and a family.  Please stand by.  Check back in about a week or two and there will be a post!  I am also going to attempt taking some photos of Inky, our kitten, and Nugget soon.  We will see how those turn out.  For now I'll leave you with this-

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Aubel Couple

These two are too cute, Christina & Corey Aubel.  It ended up being super sunny and humid this morning, but I did my best.  I will now recommend EARLY morning, evening, or overcast shots! :)  Anyways here a few of my favorites.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stevens Maternity

John and LeeAnn Stevens & BABY

LeeAnn is one of  my great friends in Okinawa.  Very shortly after I met her she called me early in the morning and said "I think I'm pregnant."  I am so happy for her and John.  They are great and I know they will be great parents.  They are great friends, and even greater because they let me photo "experiment" on them.  They are the first real *people* photography I have done.

Enjoy and comment.